India’s Unending Journey by Mark Tully is a love story of uncertainties and paradoxes that abound in India. While the globe is teetering on the edge of energy and food crises, countries –developed or developing—are trying to find a balance between unbridled expansion of trade and keeping the planet safe for generations to come. “Nothing is constant but change,” said one wise person, and so true it is.
India has always been a kaleidoscopic fascination for the West, in spite of the servile nature of India during the British Raj, the abject poverty post-Independence and the current trend of migration to other parts of the globe, particularly the United States. Walt Whitman and Emerson, iconic figures in American culture, drew inspiration and truth from Indian spiritual texts. It was the German scholars who managed to decipher the ancient Sanskrit texts.
For hundreds of years, the developed world saw the average Indian as a
half-naked fakir on a bed of nails or a snake-charmer lost in the throes of his flute. Today the 21st century has brought about a change in the world’s outlook towards India. Today it feels exhilarated as well as threatened by the Indian IT worker, the scientist, the researcher, the manager. With leaps and bounds in economic progress, how does India maintain a balance between new wave consumerism and the irreducible spirituality embedded in the Indian subconscious?
Tully has extended his love song to the Indian ethos be it the corruption or the bombings or the secularism that exists in India. After all, he says, India knits all communities together and no matter what, they re-unite after a violent hiatus. Corruption, which walks along the corridors of power and government offices, has been dealt with disinterestedly and pragmatically. For instance, when speaking about the Union Minister for Railways, Mr. Lalu Prasad Yadav, turning the loss-making Indian Railways into a thriving profitable national asset, Tully quotes Lalu;
Another issue that seems to peeve Tully is the hype on products of B-schools. He states
“It is a culture that believes business is a science whose findings are as conclusive as those of the physical sciences and therefore, like them, should not be questioned.”
Finally he ends with Varanasi, one of the oldest cities in the world. It is a confluence of Hinduism and Islam and no where can we find a better co-existence. When the bomb blasts occurred on 7th March, 2006, the Mahant of the Sankat Mochan temple, Veer Bhadra Mishra, and the Mufti of Varanasi, Abdul Batin Nomani together maintained harmony and prevented any faction from stoking communal fires.
All in all, a great book understanding what India does not represent and acknowledging that India is always in a state of flux. That is its strength.
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