Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Drat! The book design!--Manuscript found in Accra

Crusader gold-colour font on a dull, dried, matte-finish carmine background with black accents. Could well be a bloody shroud! It conjures up a sense of tantalizing curiosity, mystery, romance, and a smirk of religious scandal and conspiracy. 

You read it, and you get a discourse!

The novel (as it is called) starts off with a Preface and Greeting that places you in the grand theatre of the Crusades--the discovery of papyruses near Nag Hammadi and the author getting access to the manuscript from Accra. 

Then you fall into the thick of events, which is...

Moslems, Christians, and Jews gather at a square in Jerusalem and rally the Copt with questions--tell us about defeat, solitude, pride, change, beauty, love, lost moments, sex, etc. 

The Copt speaks, they prepare for war and death! FIN.


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