Ironic--I work in language services and the only time I get to read a book is in the train, bus or rickshaw. It's a torture, getting to read only a page or half a page a day. Nevertheless, I'm reading. Picked up Gods of War by Ashok Banker the other day...sorry daayyyyzzzz ago and am not even halfway through. I was browsing the sci-fi section at Crossword and came across this one. Let's try an Indian author. Looks like I may have made the wrong choice in author. However, I'll still give it a chance.
The book cover does convey a celestial sense with its glossy blue hues punctuated by concentrated yellow bursts. The assortment of characters till now is mysterious because I haven't reached that part of the book yet--the part where the secrets start peeling away. What I did not like was the political comment by Banker in the Author's Note. I don't know whether it is important to the story. I have decided to read it only after I have read the story. I get suspicious when such comments appear before a work of fiction. Colours the mind and hampers independent imagination.
This is going to take some time to finish. Till then...Cheers!